<p>The NAF domain is a 24 amino acid domain that is found in a plant-specific subgroup of serine-threonine protein kinases (CIPKs), that interact with calcineurin B-like calcium sensor proteins (CBLs). Whereas the N-terminal part of CIPKs comprises a conserved catalytic domain typical of Ser-Thr kinases, the much less conserved C-terminal domain appears to be unique to this subgroup of kinases. The only exception is the NAF domain that forms an 'island of conservation' in this otherwise variable region. The NAF domain has been named after the prominent conserved amino acids Asn-Ala-Phe. It represents a minimum protein interaction module that is both necessary and sufficient to mediate the interaction with the CBL calcium sensor proteins [<cite idref="PUB00007298"/>].</p><p>The secondary structure of the NAF domain is currently not known, but secondary structure computation of the C-terminal region of <taxon tax_id="3702">Arabidopsis thaliana</taxon> CBL-interacting protein kinase 1 revealed a long helical structure [<cite idref="PUB00007298"/>].</p> NAF domain